• Invoices/checks only displaying partially or out of alignment
• Lines not printing when they should be
• "Paper Size…" error
• "The file you specified cannot be opened. Make sure that it is not currently being used by another program or a read-only file. The Windows error was "The file exists"
• "The form you are about to print does not fit on the page. You may wish to modify your print settings such as portrait/landscape. Click OK to print anyway, or Cancel to skip printing this form." error

1. Find out which server the user is on, and which version of QB they are using. Then have them close QB

2. Navigate to C:\Program Data\Intuit\QuickBooks YEAR and C:\Users\**remote user**\AppData\Roaming\Intuit\ YEAR VERSION\TSPrinterSettings

3. Rename Qbprint.qbp to Qbprint.qbp.old

4. Reopen QB and try printing again try printing again.

5. If that doesn't work, log the user into another RDS server
